Gast Gast829 Geschrieben 30. Juni 2012 Teilen Geschrieben 30. Juni 2012 Kleiner Bericht ueber La Linea und Gibraltar:Gibraltar's Spanish Neighbor La Línea in Crisis - SPIEGEL ONLINE Finally, the picture of the crisis includes the prosperity gap. In Spain, the north carries a cross for the south. In the case of La Línea, the reasons for this include the following: 85 percent of unemployed young people either have no professional training or none worth mentioning; more than one in three unemployed people has no high-school diploma; and the largest employer, the city administration, isn't paying its salaries. The fact that many people "prefer to make €200 a day smuggling cigarettes than €400 a month as an unskilled worker in a supermarket," as a Guardia Civil officer at the border puts it, doesn't make things easier. Link zu diesem Kommentar
Mica Geschrieben 30. Juni 2012 Teilen Geschrieben 30. Juni 2012 I'd prefer 200 a day too, what can I say Link zu diesem Kommentar
Gast Gast829 Geschrieben 30. Juni 2012 Teilen Geschrieben 30. Juni 2012 You need to move to La Linea then... Link zu diesem Kommentar
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