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Umfrage über Spanisch als Fremdsprache

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I'd like to apologise in advance that this message is written in English. My German is not good enough to write it in German.

Also: if this is not allowed on this forum, please let me know and I'll delete this message.

Hi everyone,

At this point I am writing my thesis about the consumer purchasing decision process of 'buying' Spanish language courses. This means: Why does someone decide to learn Spanish, how do they start looking for information, and what are their requirements for a language course?

The target group of this research is: people (16-50 years old) from Germany and The Netherlands who took a Spanish language course (outside of their studies) in one of the following forms:

o Group course at a language school/institute in your home country

o Private course with a teacher in your home country

o Online course

I still need around 90 people from Germany who want to complete my questionnaire. The questionnaire is in English.

Is there anyone on this forum who can and wants to help me out? :) Many thanks in advance!!

The link: goo.gl/forms/aQ8pIyZfdK

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